Tuesday 4 February 2014

Sign the Petition to stop the removal of Trade Union Facility Time at Barnet Council

Please sign the petition to stop the removal of trade union facility time at Barnet Council. What is happening in Barnet could happen here in North Somerset as well, so we must do all we can to help our brothers and sisters in Barnet.

You can view the petition video here: http://youtu.be/ePgn632jOV4

Sign the petition here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/stop-gagging-local-unions-in-barnet-council

Below is a transcript of comment made by Barnet Conservative Councillor Robert Rams speaking at Budget Scrutiny 26.11.2013.

The Video clip can be viewed here http://youtu.be/-7dTF6Kmej8

This is what he had to say about the cut to Facility Time (by the way we have been informed his full time job is a political post in the Greater London Authority (GLA).)

“ I come from a completely different standpoint on this I think that they should be able to do their job without any funding whatsoever ....I think there are lots of examples of councils, authorities across London across the country that provide no funding for activity and I believe we should be moving to a model were we don’t provide any funding for union activity, I think as I stated before if we are looking to make cuts out there, there are some difficult decisions, I think it is clear area  we can make even more savings, the proposals provide a generous amount of funding, over generous in my personal view towards the service I think as we go forward and tougher decisions are made we will get to the point where we will remove all funding............................

I don’t think the work they do needs to be funded by us, they do some excellent work and as I said they are some other authorities I organisations across London, but trade unions provide an excellent service to their members by no means do I denigrate their work the unions do, they provide an excellent service to their members..........I think there is enough ability for them to do it whilst carrying on doing their work for the council”

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