Thursday, 11 December 2014

North Somerset Council's Budget Cuts proposals for 2015

North Somerset UNISON is advising all our members who work for North Somerset Council to make sure you read the council's Medium Term Financial Plan to see how their proposed budget cuts will affect you and your service users.

Your 2.2% pay increase from January 2015 covering the period up to 31st March 2016 only cost them £73,000 more than they'd budgeted for, but now they're looking to remove overtime payments and pay enhancements, and changing the criteria for paying mileage when you use your own car for council business. UNISON will be receiving more detail on this soon, and we will be consulting members on the proposals, and what you are prepared to do to stop them.

The projected variance on all of the council’s salary budgets identified at month 6 is a minor net under spend of £0.190m, which equates to 0.42% of the annual budget. North Somerset Council have underspent on staff salaries every year for the last few years - and this money has been put into council reserves.

They've put £2 million aside for a severance reserve - that is a pot for all the redundancies they expect to make.

There are £15 million of cuts to the services you deliver in 2015. Make sure you have a look at the Medium Term Financial Plan. Appendix 3 - page 17 onwards lists the proposed cuts, line by line.

The latest version of the Medium Term Financial Plan (9th December) is at this link:

The draft version was first published on 21st October -

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